Abundant Life Reformed Church Seeking Interim Pastor




TITLE:              Full Time Interim Pastor

PURPOSE:       To provide spiritual leadership, pastoral care, administrative oversight and organizational direction to the congregation for a season until a new pastor begins their ministry at ALRC.  

ACCOUNTABILITY:      Accountable to the Classis of Passaic Valley and the Consistory.


1)    To provide Biblically based preaching on Sundays and teaching ministry with Bible studies and special studies during Advent, Lent and other times during the church year.

2)    To provide active leadership to the consistory, the congregation and its organizations in developing programs that will enable the church to grow in its mission, in keeping with its potential in the community especially with outreach in mind.

3)    To administer the church’s ministries, by leading, directing, and supervising staff and volunteers.

4)    To provide pastoral services [care/visitation/counseling/etc] as needed.

5)    To assist the congregation and consistory in the transition process and determining short and long term mission development as ALRC looks towards the future.

6)    To provide leadership in working with congregation, consistory and search committee to develop a self study and profile.

7)    To create a professional working relationship with classis supervisor.

8)    To attend, lead consistory meetings and attend classis meeting as deemed necessary.


a. Relates to the consistory and its various committees as the moderator; relate to staff as head of staff; relates to congregation as pastor; relates to Classis of Passaic Valley.

b. Relationship is as an Interim Pastor and not a potential candidate for open pastors position unless stated prior to any signed Interim contract is signed.

EVALUATION:             Performance review will be conducted prior to any contract extension or as deemed needed by the consistory.  The Executive Committee of Consistory will conduct any reviews.

CONTACT:                   Qualified, interested candidates please email consistory@abundantlifewyckoff.org with your contact information and brief bio of experiences.
