North Branch Reformed Church in Bridgewater NJ Seeking Full-Time Lead Pastor

Our pastor will lead a thriving congregation of 300 active members located in a beautiful historic building near major educational and cultural centers of the Northeast. Our church embraces vibrant worship, warm community, grateful service, family-centered ministry and empowering leadership. Our stated mission is “God calls North Branch to lift up the poor and poor in spirit in Bridgewater and beyond.”  We are a gifted community of leaders and servants eager to work with our next pastor to grow in grace and ministry.  


The Lead Pastor will lead and serve the congregation in the proclamation of Jesus Christ by personal example, through team leadership and by pastoral attention to the congregation and community. They will serve as the president of the consistory, head of staff and will work in close collaboration with the consistory. They will be responsible for providing pastoral leadership and administrative oversight of the church’s ministries, including worship, preaching, teaching, mission service, music, stewardship and fellowship. As we come out of an extended COVID experience, we pray for a pastor who can lead us into a new season of growth. Visit for complete job description and church information. Interested candidates are asked to email their resume to


Compensation: Commensurate with experience, following the Classis of Delaware-Raritan guidelines.
